MINT Bewegt Nachhaltig
Welcome to the student laboratory "MINT Bewegt Nachhaltig" (engl. STEM Moves Sustainability) at Karlsruher Institut of Technology (KIT) – a unique extracurricular educational program that combines education for sustainable development (ESD) with the fascinating STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and sports. Our learning lab's mission is to raise awareness for sustainable thinking and action. We aim to support students in developing the necessary skills to actively shape their own future and that of society. At the same time, we highlight the relevance of technology and science for sustainable development and spark interest in these exciting fields.
The program is tailored to the needs of different age groups and can be conducted without specific prior knowledge. Secondary school students have the opportunity to participate in various stations across four different thematic areas, which address diverse aspects of sustainability. Through this, they actively engage with topics related to sustainable development and learn to apply their STEM skills in this new and real-world context.
What is ESD?
What is ESD?
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aims to help people develop sustainable thinking and actions. It goes beyond pure nature conservation, which is what most people associate with sustainability, and includes economic and social issues. The core idea is that we should not live at the expense of other people or future generations, in ecological, social, or economic terms. It is important to recognize that society, economy, and environment are interconnected and influence each other.
The foundation for ESD is the goal of "quality education," one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by the United Nations in 2015. These goals also mandate that ESD should be integrated into the education systems of individual countries. In Germany, however, it is not to be implemented as a standalone subject but rather as a cross-cutting theme in every class.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into effect, applicable to all participating countries. These goals are to be implemented by 2030 under the Agenda 2030/SDGs framework to enable and sustain a sustainable coexistence in the areas of society, environment, and economy. The fourth goal, "quality education," includes Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). What is meant by ESD is further explained in point 4.7 of the SDGs. At the same time, ESD acts as an important driver for the realization of the entire Agenda 2030.
KIT and Sustainability
KIT and Sustainability
As one of the country's leading research universities, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) holds a role model position. In 2018, KIT was recognized as a "learning site for sustainable development" by the German UNESCO Commission and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for its commitment to training future actors and decision-makers in the field of sustainability. In the Accompanying Studies on Sustainable Development, KIT offers various courses and certification opportunities to further educate oneself on issues of sustainable development. Additionally, the "Spring Academy on Sustainability" was awarded the Baden-Württemberg Teaching Award for ESD in 2021.
All eight KIT centers conduct interdisciplinary top-tier research on various areas of sustainability and climate protection, covering 10 of the 17 sustainability goals. The influence of sustainability thinking can be seen in research, administration, and infrastructure, demonstrating how it is implemented. A dedicated unit, the Sustainability Office, has been established to manage sustainability at KIT.
The Center for Teacher Education (ZLB), in cooperation with the KLIMA ARENA Sinsheim, offers a supplementary qualification in Education for Sustainable Development for teaching students.
Our Student Laboratory
Under the direction of Dr. Olivia Wohlfart and Katja Gerstmaier, students can explore laboratory stations such as examining microplastics in soil samples, discussing the impact of their diet on the climate, or earning a waste management license. The unique aspect is that the children and teenagers conduct the experiments themselves.
The student laboratory is designed for school classes in grades 6-9. If your class is interested, we would be delighted to welcome you. Currently, we offer four different thematic areas in our student laboratory: Soil & Water, Nutrition, Plastic, and Waste Management License.
For more information (contact details), please refer to our terms and conditions.
Project management | Administration & Organisation |
Deputy Head of the Department
Project management
+49 721 608-45402olivia wohlfart ∂ kit edu